ADHD Evaluation & Assessment

Do you struggle with attention, focus, and memory, have trouble starting or completing things, or find yourself constantly disorganized and playing catch-up?

Do you feel on the go consistently, find it impossible to sit down or relax? What about struggling with impulsivity and have trouble waiting for things?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be struggling with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and might benefit from a full evaluation & assessment by an experienced professional.

There are several important reasons why an individual may want to be evaluated, as well as important benefits to completing a full assessment:

Why get Evaluated and Assessed for ADHD?

  • It provides clarity and understanding about why certain challenges or difficulties may exist, such as struggles with focus, organization, or impulsivity. I often hear from clients that they have thought (or been told by others) that they were simply "lazy" or that they lacked willpower. This understanding can alleviate longstanding feelings of frustration or confusion, and pave the way for tailored strategies and support.

  • An assessment can open doors to appropriate interventions and treatments that can significantly improve daily functioning and overall well-being. This can include:

    • Medication

    • School and/or workplace accommodations

    • Behavioural Strategies

    • Cognitive Strategies

    • Emotion Regulation Strategies

  • By obtaining an ADHD diagnosis with a trained professional, individuals can learn effective coping mechanisms, develop self-awareness, and maximize their potential in various aspects of life, whether it's at work, school, or in personal relationships. Ultimately, undergoing an assessment for ADHD empowers individuals to take control of their mental health and thrive in their journey towards success and fulfillment.

What does an evaluation & assessment for ADHD look like?

A comprehensive ADHD evaluation & assessment with me includes a few steps:

  • A clinical interview, where we gather information, like what the issues you are facing are, when they began, and how they affect your life.

  • Clinical questionnaires, which assess symptoms of attention, and screens for other issues that may be at play.

  • Psychological testing: a structured evaluation that will look at different cognitive processes to help us better understand your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Structured interview: we collaboratively review symptoms, getting information about the type, intensity, frequency, and impact on life.

Following the evaluation, I work to integrate the findings above, with the goal of full transparency and openness throughout the process.

  • Clients always receive full and comprehensive feedback session (in-person or online) following the assessment, where we review all of the evaluation together.

  • During feedback, clients are then given concrete and explicit recommendations, which is true independent of the results (whether you received a diagnosis or not), to ensure they have a plan moving forward.

  • Immediately following feedback, clients are also provided with a full and comprehensive written report that includes all of the findings & recommendations, which they can refer back to or share as needed.

What is ADHD?

ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (and formerly known as ADD), is a condition that can affect people of all ages. It can make it hard to pay attention, control impulses, and relax or unwind. People with ADHD might find it tough to stay focused on tasks or stay still for long periods.

It's important to know that having ADHD doesn't mean someone is less smart (in fact, there is no relationship between ADHD and intelligence), that they are trying less hard or are lazy. It's more about how the brain works. With tje proper understanding and support, people with ADHD can really thrive in all aspects of their lives, and live life to the fullest.